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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Top 5 Most Tushed Instagram Pics Of The Night

Hello Pals, its sunday the night and its the official launching of our dope blog, where rate celebrities and non celebrities nice instagram pics.
Here in Tush Me it doesn't really matter if you are a celebrity or not as long as you are dope and your outfit is awesome then wait for us to reach u.
Here comes tonight's  top five most tushed instgram pics. Enjoy.

5.Chidimma @chidinmaekile

Chidimma a.k.a miss kedike of Capital Hills Records always know her way around Fashion.
 The interesting part of this photo is the weirdo hair and the white dress.
The background which matches with her completion also killed the photo shoot.
big ups to her.

4. Korede Bello @koredebello
Mr. Godwin slays in tonite's photo posing with beautiful girls around him.
First of all I love the jacket he is putting on combined with the shirt makes it more awesome.
The mavins dynasty artiste is truly a fashion icon and also a source of inspiration for young ones out there.

3.Kcee @iam_kcee
On our number 3 on the list tonite is the Limpopo Master himself Kcee, The ever Fashion Killer of the five star music group.
As seen in the photo, he is putting Givency sandals which is actually dope compered to the trouser he is putting on, he applied a lot of dress sense there.
The shades too is also mouth watering. Nice one there kcee I sight your core i7 macpro book tush all the same.

2.Emma Nyra @emmanyra
Yes I am sure the working Class and Corporate Ladies out  there would love this.
The beautiful Emma steps out in a Black jacket and Blue Jeans combined  with gucci hand bag for the sunday paroles.
The hat she wore also adds more flavour to the outfit, so ladies what are you waiting for make sure you rock that to work on monday.

1.Yvonne Nelson @yvonnenelsongh
The Ever beautiful and gorgeous  nollywood and ghollywood actress Yvonne Nelson tops our tonight list of best tushed instagram photo with her sexy long legs .
The actress who claims to have more shoes than clothes steps out in a flower  gown and high heels putting an admirable smile to  spice up the picture. Personally i think she worth the number 1 spot.
Congrats to her...

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