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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Youngest Nigerian designer, Tumisola Ladega, wins Jimmy Choo’s bursary prize

It was the annual 2015 graduation ceremony for the students of the International School for Creative Arts and honorary president of the school, Professor Jimmy Choo, a prominent and international shoe designer, was guest of honour. Certificates were presented to graduating students and awards given to outstanding
students one of whom was 16 years old UK based Tumisola Ladega. Even though she was not in the graduating year, she was one of the two students honoured by Professor Jimmy Choo with a certificate and a bursary prize for outstanding work in Fashion and Design and for making such remarkable progress in the short time she joined the school for her A levels. Tumisola who runs the fashion label Tumiila which she founded in 2012, has had her individual designs featured in competitions since the age of 12, with most of them gracing the catwalks of major fashion shows and fashion weeks in places such as Miami, Maryland USA, Nigeria, South Africa and of course London. As a developing label, Tumiila touches all areas from high end couture to urban, and from evening wear to ready to wear.

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