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Saturday, 19 September 2015

British Council launches new Nigerian season with artist, Laura Aldridge

UK Nigeria Season 

The British Council has welcomed Laura Aldridge, British  artist,popularly known for her works across art forms such as  photography, screen print, ceramics, fabrics and cement, to Nigeria for the Go Woman
Go! project.

In advance of the workshops, the official launch of the UK/Nigeria  2015—16 season in Abuja, saw many arts entrepreneurs, enthusiasts and creatives alongside government and other private sector guests gather at
the British Council office, in Maitaima, Abuja on Tuesday, 15th September, 2015.
Go Woman Go! is the first project in the programme which spans September  2015—April 2016 to take place in Abuja.
“We are delighted to have Laura Aldridge in Nigeria”, said Louisa  Waddingham, Director Programmes, British Council Nigeria. “Her work over the years has been incredible and we look forward to the exchange  of knowledge and perspectives between her and participants in the Nigerian arts industry. It is my hope that each of the projects in this  season creates new collaborations and strengthens the relationships  between Nigeria and the UK.”
The Abuja Season launch also featured a make-space facilitated by the  Nike Arts Centre Abuja even as DJ Lambo, popular female DJ, treated the  guests to some delightful music.
The year-long season aims to create increased access to the arts as well  as facilitate creation of new digital work, innovation and working with young people.
UK/Nigeria 2015—16 is a major season of arts in Nigeria aimed at  building new audiences, creating new collaborations and strengthening relationships between the UK and Nigeria.
Programmed in association with a host of partners, it features more than  30 projects and more than 80 events in art, fashion, design, theatre, dance, music, literature and film throughout Nigeria and includes  showcases of Nigerian arts and creative industries in the UK.
UK/Nigeria 2015–16 has a focus on creating access to art, new digital  work, innovation, art in public spaces and working with young people.
Partnerships between Nigerian and British artists, institutions and  organisations will be at the heart of the season which aims to develop skills and capacity across the creative industries.
The programme will run until April 2016 creating new connections in  arts, education, innovation, trade and investment.

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