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Friday, 11 September 2015


Good morning pals, its been a while since we last meet. Todays post is going to spectacular, watch out..

REEKADO BANKS @reekadobanks

first off our list is the katapot crooner reekado banks. Reekado who recently signed an endorsement deal with Glo Ng took a dope step in the photo above which he took in kumasi Ghana. From his to the Silver Chain down to His Shoes are all looking So fine.well done reekado noni....

OSITA IHEME @ositaiiheme
Osita iheme aka PawPaw posed on the camera looking so cute and he made his first appearance on tush me today with a remarkable looks. what do you guys think about the picture.

 INI EDO @iniedo
Maintaining the position of one the most beautiful actress in Nigerian Ini Edo is always something to write home about anytime she poses for the camera. This time around she killed it  with her usual sexy smile and also the wears she is putting on made her look so great. I guess she must have been spending a lot of time in the gym to look this good.

ICE PRINCE ZAMANI @iceprincezamani
 After releasing a hot track produced by Tripple MG Tekno,Ice prince is off to ogudu for a video shoot of the video. As per who he is Ice prince is always a source motivation when it comes to the area of fashion and swag, the young ones can testify to this.

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