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Monday, 7 September 2015


Good Morning pals, We apologize for the failure to update for the past two days, it was  due to some technical issues.
This morning  post will be an exception as we bring on enough tushed instagram post tonight. enjoy...

DJ XCLUSIVE @djxclusive83

Superstar Dj xclusive is one person i describe as a swag lord and a fashion icon because the way he manages to stand out among the other group of disk jockeys is fascinating .
The son of a billonaire and a nephew to the richest woman in africa Xclusive just launched his first studio album featuring many nigerian finest artiste.OK back to the photo; the photo is very nice with way he posed and also the white glasses is also captivating .

One thing that always comes to my mind anytime i see this guy's photo is "freshness".
Always  looking nice and dope.
Everything in this photo is awesome; the room itself is dope talkless of the things inside the room

PAUL OKOYE @rudeboypsquare
The Nigerian superstar duo is currently in the United States of America for their Tour,this photo was taken by paul of psquare in Atlanta.

OMONIYI MAKUN @yomicasuals
Yes you know him; or you must of heard of the name YOMI CASUALS.
He is the famous celebrity fashion designer worth millions of Naira. With his ultimate sense of fashion he killed this photo by putting on the right wears. He is the personal tailor for celebrities like AY,Elenu,Ramsey Noah,Desmond Elliot and many more.
The Kicks alone is dope talk more of the crazy jean. see more pictures of him after the cut...

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